

对我们所有人来说,我们现在正面临着一个前所未有的阶段。为了应对COVID-19疫情,考虑到我们的客户、员工和公众的健康和安全,从2020年3月16日开始,我们的大多数员工将在家远程办公。我们这样做的是出于谨慎考虑,以帮助防止疫情进一步传播。 由于我们的大多数员工都是在家工作,办公室仅留有少数人员处理办公室的基本运作。因此,我们建议您采取以下步骤:




我们的办公室会留有工作人员,维持与客户的沟通,处理文档,并为我们的远程工作团队提供整体帮助。 在当今飞速发展的时代,我们感谢您继续让我们为您提供法律服务。我们的团队将持续努力处理您的案件。我们会在后续阶段定期评估情况和计划。请注意个人安全并互相照顾!


Dear clients and business partners,

These are unprecedented times for all of us. As we work to prioritize the health and safety of our clients, employees and the general public in response to COVID-19, most of our employees will work from home, starting March 16, 2020. We are doing so out of an abundance of caution and to help prevent further spread of the illness.  

Since a majority of staff are under a work-from -home arrangement, leaving a skeleton team in office to decentralize our operation, we encourage you to take the following steps: (1) contact our staff through their direct line phone numbers and their email, (2) avoid in-person meetings and instead arrange for phone conferences, and (3) take precautions when in-person contacts are inevitable, such as certain closings and conferences. We have reached out to some of our clients for potential accommodations for closings and are happy to discuss necessary changes about the closing procedures. We will maintain personnel in office to provide assistance on client communications, document processing, and overall function to help our remote teams

With the world currently moving a mile a minute, we thank you for continuing to rely on us to empower you with legal solutions. Our team will continue to work diligently on your cases. We'll also continue to assess the situation and our plans regularly. Please stay safe and take care of each other!

Team Law Office

39–07 Prince Street, Suite 3E, Flushing, NY 11354
Tel: 718-321-7006